Advanced Searches: Relational Records
- Enhanced advanced search functionality allows for more efficient and powerful searches by directly selecting records from related data, eliminating the need for slow textual searches.
Confirm and Cancel Shortcuts
- Consistent keyboard shortcuts (ALT/CMD+Q to confirm, ALT/CMD+X to cancel) have been implemented across all Odoo apps, streamlining user interactions.
Dialog Validation Shortcut
- You can now confirm dialog boxes anywhere in Odoo by using the CTRL+Enter keyboard shortcut, improving user workflow efficiency.
Domain Editor Folding
- The domain editor now takes up less screen space by default and can be expanded to reveal its contents, optimizing screen real estate.
Duration Tracking/Stage
- The form view's status pipeline now displays how long a task, ticket, or lead has remained in each stage, providing valuable insights into workflow durations.
Progressive Web App (PWA): Offline Message
- Odoo's progressive web app will notify you when you go offline, ensuring you're aware of your connectivity status.
PWA: Share Button
- The Odoo progressive web app simplifies sharing by introducing a share button in the user menu, making it easier to share the content you're viewing.
PWA: Web Push
- You can now receive notifications even when you're not actively using the Odoo website on both desktop and mobile devices, helping you stay informed.
Re-order Apps
- Users have the flexibility to customize their dashboard by rearranging app icons through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
'Search More' Becomes 'View All'
- In dropdown menus, users can click 'View all,' which opens a dialog displaying a list of records, making it easier to differentiate potentially identical records and improving user navigation.
4 أكتوبر 2023